About us


SAM (Scottish Autistic Media) RADIO©

We are an Award Winning Not-for-Profit Community Radio Station for Adults on the Autistic Spectrum, our studio is based in 151 London Road and we have 23 presenters who come along to the studio every week and produce and broadcast their own one-hour radio show. We just celebrated our 3rd birthday.

In 2018 we won the Radio Forth Best Community Venture Award, which was a tremendous boost for the station. In 2020, we teamed up with Forth One to produce and broadcast an Autism Awareness program which went out on the network. The show went on to win a Bronze Award at the ARIAs in 2021.

The purpose of SAM (Scottish Autistic Media) RADIO© is two-fold. Managed by Paul Ross, Paul holds a degree in Sound engineering and who himself has a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome. We air a variety of music and provide listeners with a platform where they can represent themselves. At the same time we will offer presenters the opportunity to learn how to produce shows, without the worry of operating the broadcast/recording equipment.

Being on the Autistic Spectrum means that the presenters are a community of interest and together they build their confidence and communication Skills which in turn helps independent travel and help gain College /University placements in Media and Creative Industry Courses. Being in a working environment helps their personal development tremendously.

Our presenters face a lack of job opportunities and with a lack of Social Communication Skills they can experience Isolation and experience severe mental health difficulties. Meeting others at Sam Radio has helped them form friendships which have continued out with the station.

We are always looking to invite guests into the station to talk about their relevant experiences with autism. E.g. Carers, professionals working within the field of autism, alongside adults on the autistic spectrum that would like to talk about their own experience. Please email us if you are interested in coming on and we will do the rest.

We have invited a variety of guests from local interested organizations and professional bodies to share practical knowledge and experience with adults on the Autistic Spectrum and their carers/family members.

Email us directly at info@samradio.org

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